
iOS 15 jailbreak update

Hi everyone! Just a quick update from us on the iOS 15 jailbreaks.

We’re starting to accept updates from developers for iOS 15, but with the caveat that the jailbreaks that are currently released for it, palera1n and XinaA15, are quite incomplete. This is unlike our usual policy where we wait until a final working jailbreak has been released to start accepting updates, but this year has obviously been a different one, and we want to help push things along as soon as possible.

Please be patient with things at the moment, not everything works properly just yet. Particularly, you won’t be able to download paid packages yet, as there is some issue with Zebra and Sileo’s ability to store logins in the keychain (iOS’s encrypted password storage) that both projects are currently looking into.

There is some more info about the state of things from this post on /r/jailbreak.

You can catch us on Discord or post on /r/jailbreak if you have any questions. Although, if the question is “should I jailbreak yet?”, the answer is most likely not yet, unless you’re willing to try some things that aren’t quite ready yet.
